FAC-008: Why Methodology & MVAs Matter – Part 2

FAC-008: Why Methodology & MVAs Matter – Part 2

By Michael Tate, NERC Reliability Specialist It is no secret that Generators are falling under a microscope with Reliability Entities. This is primarily due to the scrutiny that Transmission undergoes when it comes to facility ratings. As we discussed in the...
NERC Cold Weather Project

NERC Cold Weather Project

By Shaun Rohret, Senior NERC Reliability Specialist It looks like a new NERC Cold Weather standard may be on its way. Here is some background and a summary of the latest information provided by NERC: In July of 2019, the FERC and NERC staff report titled The...
How Do You Manage Your NERC Program?

How Do You Manage Your NERC Program?

by Daniel Jenkins, NERC Reliability Specialist I have been consulting and managing NERC programs for the last five years here at NAES and I have observed and learned a few things that help plants maintain the best Programs. Following are a few things that I...
Winter Preparedness Following the Polar Vortex

Winter Preparedness Following the Polar Vortex

by Richard Schulte, NERC Reliability Specialist Fall has arrived here in the US, and Winter is not far behind.  It is time to prepare for the coming cold weather, and the chance that extreme cold conditions could occur.  When we think of cold weather, we think of the...
Cyber Incident Response & Recovery Best Practices

Cyber Incident Response & Recovery Best Practices

by Sean Thompson, NERC Services Supervisor Staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC) on September 14, 2020 published a report on cyber planning for response and recovery that...