GADS Reporting

GADS Reporting

Sean Thompson, Supervisor, NERC Services For years the North American Electric Reliability Corporation NERC GADS reporting has consisted of fossil plants reporting their data to NERC on a quarterly basis. Now as the country is moving more towards alternate ways to...
COVID-19 & The Grid

COVID-19 & The Grid

By Mike Moyer – Power Market Compliance Services Specialist, NAES NERC Services Coronavirus or COVID-19, is a disease that causes a respiratory tract infection. Typically affecting your upper respiratory tract (sinuses, nose and throat) and can also affect the...
MOD-025-2 and PRC-019-2

MOD-025-2 and PRC-019-2

Richard Schulte, NERC Reliability Specialist 2016 does not seem like that long ago, when plants were performing Real and Reactive Power testing for MOD-025-2, and the voltage regulating system controls coordination study for PRC-019-2 to meet the deadline date of July...
RC Transition Report

RC Transition Report

Leland McMillan, Supervisor NERC Services WECC “The purpose of the following “close out”  report is to document the transition efforts involved in moving the RC function in the Western Interconnection from the Peak RC to each of the new RCs during the 2019...
Reliability Amid Coronavirus

Reliability Amid Coronavirus

Sean Thompson, Supervisor NERC Services The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) announced today they are taking steps to ensure that operators of the bulk electric system can focus their resources...