CAISO Phase One Update

Was your organization part of the majority that received deficiency letters from California ISO recently?  In August 2018, CAISO introduced a revised Business Practice Manual for Transmission Planning Process (BPM), which included new data requirements for interconnected generation resources within the ISO’s footprint. Phase 1 entities started receiving data requests from the ISO in early 2019 with the first major deadline occurring at the end of May. The ISO has recently completed reviewing those submissions and has issued deficiency letters to over 95% of the entities who submitted data. The “cure” period to resolve issues identified by the ISO is 60 days, which puts the deadline near the end of October 2019 for most entities. Following that deadline, CAISO has indicated that fines up to $500/day will be levied for entities who were unable to resolve the data deficiencies within the cure period.

Entities in future phases of the CAISO generator modeling initiative can learn from other’s experiences. The ISO’s data requests have proven difficult to complete and require adequate time and resources to prevent possible sanctions. As an operator of numerous facilities within the CAISO footprint, NAES is uniquely capable to assist entities with data aggregation, modeling, and testing to ensure compliance with CAISO’s data requests. Please contact us for additional information or support.

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